Detecting Objects from a Rosbag Recording using YOLO

Kayla Comalli
2 min readMay 14, 2019


A walkthrough on running a YOLO-trained object detector with resulting bounding boxes on a video file. Assumes video feed comes through a ROS topic.

Note: This is based on a pre-trained COCO dataset that includes 80 image classifications. A tutorial on custom training will be added soon

Note: This example uses camera/rgb/image_raw as the topic for the desired image data. Replace as needed


  • Ubuntu 16.0.4
  • ROS
  • Python 3+
  • Install image_view:sudo apt-get install ros-<distro>-image-view
  • Install mjpegtools: sudo apt-get install mjpegtools


Clone detector repo and setup image_view

  1. export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://<your_server>:11311
  2. roscore
  3. git clone
  4. Grab the weight file here and place it in yolo-coco/

Prerecord rosbag to .bag file

  • mkdir ~/rosbags

Run a script to obtain rosbag data:

rosbag record -b 0 --split --duration=2m -O camera_front.bag /camera/rgb/image_raw

Use image_view to export rosbag data to JPEGs

  1. roscd image_view
  2. rosmake image_view
  3. Create an export.launch file: sudo vi export.launch
  4. Paste the following:
<node pkg="rosbag" type="play" name="rosbag" required="true" args="/home/<USER>/<camera_<N>>.bag"/>
<node name="extract" pkg="image_view" type="extract_images"respawn="false" required="true" output="screen" cwd="ROS_HOME">
<remap from="image"to="/camera/rgb/image_raw"/>

5. roslaunch export.launch

— this will dump the images named frame%04d.jpg into the ~/.ros dir

may take some time

Optional 1: move to test directory and add aliases

cd ~ && mkdir <dir_name> && mv ~/.ros/frame*.jpg <dir_name>/

Optional 2: create aliases for repeated use

# My aliases
alias newframes='cd ~ && rm -rf frames && mkdir frames'
alias mvframes='cd ~/.ros && mv frame*.jpg ../frames && cd ../frames'alias mencode='mencoder "mf://*.jpg" -mf type=jpg:fps=15 -o output.mpg -speed 1 -ofps 30 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg2video:vbitrate=2500 -oac copy -of mpeg'

Optional 3: If the bagfile contains compressed images (or you are seeing a mismatch in the frame series), they will need to be decompressed before exporting. call:

rosrun image_transport republish compressed in:=camera/rgb/image_raw raw out:=camera_out/image

and change line 4 of the launch.export file to

<remap from=’image’ to=”/camera_out/image”/>

Generate MPGs directly from JPEGs

Note: -f is for frames per second (FPS), in this example we use 15

  1. cd <~/.ros or ~/frames>
  2. run:
mencoder “mf://*.jpg” -mf type=jpg:fps=15 -o output.mpg -speed 1 -ofps 30 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg2video:vbitrate=2500 -oac copy -of mpeg


  1. mv output.mpg <cloned_detector_path>/videos
  2. cd <cloned_detector_path>
  3. python --input videos/output.mpg --output output/vid_output.avi --yolo yolo-coco

And that’s pretty much it! I recommend using VLC to check the video.


Error writing: Error opening file: camera_front_<n>

An unfinished rosbag:

rosbag reindex camera_front_<N>

May need to change the name for the recording if you are calling the command multiple times:

rosbag record /camera/depth/points -O Camera.bag

Problems with ros nodes already running?

This sometimes comes up during recording or conversion where you get errors about ros nodes running in the background:

Try any and/or all of the following before retrying your command

  • rosnode kill -all
  • sudo systemctl stop docker
  • sudo service docker stop
  • rosnode cleanup

Any other issues shoot me a message and I’ll try to help!

Related articles/links

Exporting rosbag to video

YOLO Detector



Kayla Comalli
Kayla Comalli

Written by Kayla Comalli

pseudoblogger, but a semantic expert.

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